NETBankAudit Careers
As evidenced by our staff profiles, NETBankAudit seeks diverse backgrounds and experiences to add to our team. Our business strategy has always been to provide our clients with certified and best-in-class auditors and engineers. We welcome different perspectives and vantage points. Minorities and veterans are encouraged to apply.
Info & Requirements
- Preferred locations VA, NC, MD, GA, SC, FL, OH, PA, WV, TN, KY, TX.
- 4-year degree with an accredited college or institution is recommended (masters is a plus).
- Telecommuting is allowed. Traveling approx. 50-70%.
- Additional Salary Information: Salary to match experience. Relocation expenses are negotiable.
Open Positions
While we are not actively recruiting, we are open to applications ranging from auditing, engineering and relationship management positions. Please complete the form to apply.
Check back later for more opportunities.
Apply to NETBankAudit
Why Join NETBankAudit?
NETBankAudit is the leading provider of IT audit and technical assessment services in the community-based financial industry. Our innovation in the development of our services has led us to grow to over 500 financial institutional clients throughout the US.
NETBankAudit is committed to equal employment opportunity in all of its employment practices. Decisions involving every aspect of the employment relationship are made without regard to an employee’s race, color, creed, religion, sex, age, national origin, marital status, veteran status, or any other status or characteristic protected under applicable state or federal law, unless it is a bonafide occupational requirement necessary to the normal operation of the business.
We are dedicated to building the most client effective team of auditors and engineers in the industry. NETBankAudit values quality employees who can deliver the best customer experience in the industry. We bring the experts to our clients, who come to expect a personal approach delivered by a leader in their field.
NETBankAudit offers both industry standard benefits such as competitive salary, 401k, health care, annual bonuses, direct deposit payroll, sick leave and vacation. We also offer success sharing benefits such as 401k matching, profit sharing and productivity driven bonuses.
NETBankAudit offers association with the industry’s leading experts in the areas of financial regulatory compliance, information security related audits, risk assessments and technical testing. We offer support to our employees to further their training and maintaining their certifications through internal training and work programs.
NETBankAudit is a true virtual company with its employees working from offices in their homes. Given our devotion to our clients and our employees, we understand that travel to the client is required so we feel that as a company we want to make the work experience to be as positive as possible. We offer an extensive virtual infrastructure to support our network operating structure backed by industry leading vendors and data centers and tools (such as SharePoint) to facilitate our operations.